Pump efficiency

Pump efficiency (η) is also referred to as coupling or overall efficiency and characterises the ratio of  pump power output (PQ) to power input (P) for the operating point in question:


The best pump efficiency (ηopt) is the highest efficiency or the rotational speed and fluid handled as specified in the delivery contract.

For centrifugal pumps whose mechanical design does not clearly separate the pump shaft from the drive shaft, such as is the case with close-coupled pumps and submersible motor pumps the efficiency of the pump setGr) is specified in place of pump efficiency (see DIN EN ISO 17769-1) (Gr stands for group). This figure describes the ratio of pump power output (PQ) to the power consumed by the driver (see Drive) which is measured at an agreed position (e.g. at the terminals of the motor or where an underwater cable starts).

Achievable pump efficiency is very much a function of specific speed, as well as the size and type of the pump and increases as these two variables increase. Reference values for achievable efficiency of modern centrifugal pump types are based on statistical analyses of the values for existing pumps. See Figs. 1 and 2 Pump efficiency




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