KSB attaches great importance to safety in the workplace.

Occupational health and safety: KSB offers a safe workplace

When it comes to occupational health and safety, KSB can call on specially developed guidelines, early preventive measures and the personal responsibility of its employees.

The health of all employees is a priority for KSB. That is why we have developed occupational health and safety standards that in many cases exceed national and international regulations.

Safety has absolute priority

A safe workplace where you don’t have to worry about your health – this should be a matter of course. But in some regions of the world where KSB operates, this is unfortunately not always the case.

As the health and safety of all employees around the globe is a top priority, KSB has developed its own environmental, health and safety (EHS) regulations.

These EHS requirements apply internationally to all employees at all locations.

High level of personal responsibility for more safety

KSB’s EHS regulations often even exceed national and international requirements. As a responsible company, we require our suppliers and external partners to adhere to these regulations, even if lower standards apply by law in the country in question.

KSB takes responsibility for the safety and health of its employees.

Everyone who works at KSB can be sure that we do everything we can to make and keep our workplaces safe.

A basic principle of hazard prevention and health protection is to involve employees when setting out regulations.

KSB thus relies on a high degree of personal responsibility on the part of all colleagues. After all, employees understand operational processes and requirements best and know where dangerous situations can arise.

Identifying hazards right from the development stage

In addition, KSB implements internationally standardised hazard identification and prevention measures. For example, the company systematically examines the effects and potential associated hazards of its products for people and the environment as early as the development stage.

Those who work at KSB do so in a safe environment.

KSB employees around the world can rely on the company’s EHS regulations.

If KSB becomes aware of a potential risk, the company takes preventive measures at an early stage that comply with internal EHS requirements and ensure safety in the workplace.

Of course, KSB also monitors ongoing operation to ensure compliance with its own regulations and country-specific laws.

Overall, KSB creates a safe working environment for employees, service providers and contractors that reduces any risks to an absolute minimum.

Find out how KSB puts its social responsibility into practice

Social responsibility at KSB

Corporate Responsibility

As a successful company with global operations, KSB is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and society. The company has therefore made striking a balance between profitable growth and social responsibility the foundation for its actions.

KSB supports the UN Global Compact

KSB and the UN Global Compact

KSB joined the United Nations Global Compact more than a decade ago and considers it a foundation for responsible business. Particularly important for us: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

KSB ethics and values

Company Commitments

Why customers, business partners and employees can be sure that KSB’s conduct will always meet the highest standards.

A well project in the Sahara supported by KSB

Our commitment to a better society

KSB is helping people and their development through more than 100 social projects and initiatives worldwide. Our focus issues are education, environmental protection and access to clean drinking water for everyone.
