KSB ethics and corporate values
Why customers, business partners and employees can be sure that KSB’s conduct will always meet the highest standards.
KSB is known not only for innovative, high-quality products and optimised services, but also for the high standards it sets for its entrepreneurial activities. To this end, we have established a global corporate culture centring on professionalism, honesty and responsibility.
Sustainability is part of our culture.
KSB’s customers, business partners, investors and employees can rest assured: Sustainability, ethics and compliance with legal standards are firmly embedded in our corporate values.
These represent binding principles for all employees and managers worldwide and form the basis of our corporate culture.
Acting with responsibility is one of our values
We support economic, ecological and social progress in all regions of the world. In conducting our business activities, we respect human rights, applicable legislation and international principles of responsible entrepreneurship without exception.
The United Nations standards apply to all KSB employees.
We ensure compliance with international standards
In accordance with our values, we commit to upholding the principles of the following internationally recognised standards:
- The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The eight fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
- The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
We also require all of our suppliers and business partners to comply with these standards. When selecting suppliers, we therefore base our decisions on more than just economic criteria. New and existing suppliers are evaluated on the basis of environmental responsibility, occupational health and safety, social standards and legally compliant conduct.
All KSB business partners must commit to complying with our standards.