Our commitment to human rights and to fighting modern slavery
How we ensure ethical, legally compliant conduct throughout the company.
KSB attaches great importance to balancing economic success and value orientation. To this end, we stand up for human rights, equal treatment and compliant working conditions worldwide and document this in our policy statements, guidelines and commitments.
Human rights as a core element of entrepreneurial conduct
Respecting human rights is a core element of corporate social responsibility at KSB. We recognise the obligations this entails throughout the company and along the entire value creation chain.
Wherever we become aware of violations of human rights principles, we urge that they be stopped immediately. We also expect employees as well as business partners to act in accordance with recognised human rights.
Our Human Rights Policy Statement details how we ensure that human rights are respected in all our business operations.
Preventing modern slavery
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 passed by the British Parliament in the same year is a milestone in the fight against modern slavery. As such, section 54 of the Act requires companies to prepare a statement on forced labour, slavery, servitude and human trafficking for each financial year.
This statement must detail how the company takes steps to ensure that such practices are prevented within its organisation and along its supply chains ─ a task that we at KSB are more than happy to fulfil.
Employees are committed to ethical conduct
As a globally active and sustainable company, we have established a global culture based on our corporate values that commits all employees and managers worldwide to ethical, legally compliant conduct. To this end, we act responsibly to facilitate economic, environmental and social progress.
KSB is committed to diversity and inclusion – now and in the future
People of all colours, genders and sexual orientations are employed at our company. Respecting and promoting the diversity of our employees, partners and customers is therefore a high priority for us. At KSB, no one is discriminated against because of their origin, gender or other personal characteristics or behaviour. Instead, we mutually respect and value each other.
KSB comply with international standards
With our corporate values; environmental protection, occupational health & safety and quality guidelines; sustainability policy; Code of Conduct and commitments we comply with the following and other internationally recognised standards:
- The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- The eight fundamental Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
- The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Ombudsperson system for suspected violations of our values
Our whistleblowing scheme with ombudsperson is prominently placed throughout the organisation as part of our global compliance management system.
When selecting suppliers, we are not just guided by economic criteria. New and existing suppliers are evaluated on the basis of environmental responsibility, occupational health & safety, social standards and legally compliant conduct criteria.