KSB products help actively protect the environment.

Environmental protection in practice at KSB

How KSB reduces the ecological footprint of its products and production locations to protect the environment.

From energy-efficient products to resource-efficient production – KSB seeks to protect the environment with a wide range of measures while helping its customers to reduce their CO2 emissions.

A holistic approach to environmental responsibility

At KSB, environmental responsibility always has two sides: Firstly, protecting the environment during the manufacture of our products. Secondly, minimising the ecological footprint generated by our products and services over their life cycle. KSB pays close and consistent attention to both aspects.

In order to lessen the environmental impact of our manufacturing, we ensure that our production processes minimise energy and material consumption. We also take ecological factors into account right from the start of every new development in accordance with international standards.

KSB products are certified to the ISO 14001 environmental standard.

Today, all of KSB’s products incorporate increasing amounts of recyclable materials. This maximises the possibilities for environmentally conscious recycling of raw materials at the end of our products’ life cycles.

Certification to environmental standard ISO 14001

At the same time, KSB is doing everything it can to make its production facilities as environmentally friendly as possible. Here we are focusing on pro-active preventive measures and consistently avoiding potential damage to the environment.

Clean energy from wind power

All KSB's German sites have been converted to green energy since 2021

To minimise emissions of climate-critical carbon dioxide, KSB is successively refurbishing its buildings, production facilities and assembly halls to be more energy efficient. For example, we are investing in a new heating system at our Frankenthal location. Since 2021, all electricity used at our German production locations has come from exclusively renewable sources.

The KSB factory in Shirwal, India

Trees and ground cover plants protect the soil from erosion around the new factory in Shirwal, India.

KSB applies internationally recognised standards to measure and continuously improve environmental performance at all of its locations. All factories are already certified to the ISO 14001 environmental standard.

When new KSB production factories are built – as was recently the case in Shirwal, India – environmental considerations are taken into account in all key planning decisions from location choice to energy-efficient building design. In Shirwal, we are currently saving 1,207 tonnes of CO2 per year just by using the company’s own solar power system.

Renewable energies on the rise

We are also continuously striving to increase the share of renewables in our energy mix outside our home base in Germany, which has already been completely converted to green electricity.

In 2021, the global share of renewable energy in electricity consumption was already 45.7 percent. But we will not be satisfied with this and will continue to increase this share.

Green energy is becoming increasingly important at KSB.

KSB will continuously increase the share of green energy in its electricity mix worldwide in the coming years.

By implementing a range of measures, KSB managed to emit 1,537 metric tons less CO₂ in 2021 than in the previous year, despite higher energy consumption. We aim to reduce CO2 emissions from our manufacturing locations by a further 30 percent by 2025.

KSB products reduce greenhouse gas emissions in operation

In operation, KSB’s energy-efficient products help to save large amounts of electricity and thus greenhouse gases. This makes them attractive to our customers from both an environmental and a financial perspective.

An important point given that today pumps still account for around 30 percent of electricity consumed in industry.

By adjusting the speed, KSB pumps help to save energy.

KSB pumps with PumpDrive continuously adjust their speed to the actual demand of the system.

The savings potential is considerable: By 2025, KSB aims to save 850,000 tonnes of CO2 per year in Europe alone by selling energy-efficient variable speed water pumps.

Reconciling economic and ecological goals is a lived reality for KSB – and yet still a journey that will require many more efforts.

Find out how KSB puts its social responsibility into practice

Social responsibility at KSB

Corporate Responsibility

As a successful company with global operations, KSB is aware of its responsibility towards the environment and society. The company has therefore made striking a balance between profitable growth and social responsibility the foundation for its actions.

KSB supports the UN Global Compact

KSB and the UN Global Compact

KSB joined the United Nations Global Compact more than a decade ago and considers it a foundation for responsible business. Particularly important for us: the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

A well project in the Sahara supported by KSB

Our commitment to a better society

KSB is helping people and their development through more than 100 social projects and initiatives worldwide. Our focus issues are education, environmental protection and access to clean drinking water for everyone.

KSB ethics and values

Company Commitments

Why customers, business partners and employees can be sure that KSB’s conduct will always meet the highest standards.
