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External view of the heating station building of the Liggeringen solar energy village

Flagship project for climate protection

The town of Radolfzell recognised the importance of climate protection early on and implemented a number of measures to increase the proportion of renewable energy in its energy mix. As around 50 % of Germany’s total energy consumption is attributed to the heating sector, Radolfzell instigated multiple projects for sustainable heat use. Its flagship project is the Liggeringen solar energy village in which KSB played an important role.

The project: Large solar thermal energy system for Radolfzell

A thermal solar system was built for the inhabitants of Radolfzell-Liggeringen that would supply over 150 homes with heat, 20 % of which is generated from solar energy. Solar energy collectors installed on an open area of land at the edge of the village absorb the sun’s rays and heat up the water which flows through the collectors. The stored solar heat flows to the houses via a local heating network and can be used for heating and water heating. To cover the increased level of heating needed during winter, heat is additionally generated from biomass and is available on demand via buffer storage.

The customer: Stadtwerke Radolfzell

Stadwerke Radolfzell, the municipal utility of the district town of Radolfzell, is located on Lake Constance in the south of Baden-Württemberg. As a high-performance energy provider, it has a strong ecological focus, supplying around 32,000 customers in Radolfzell with electricity, gas, water, heat and Internet as well as operating the local bus service.

The challenge: Minimal wear and a long service life

A central element in the large solar energy system is the transfer station, which is where heat from the collectors is transferred to the consumers. Distributors and pump groups turn the transfer station into a complete heating station, including control and process control systems.

Solar energy has the unique advantage that the heat output can be calculated for a period of at least 20 years. It must therefore be ensured that the pumps and shut-off valves used offer minimal wear and a long service life.

One particular challenge was the limited space available. In order to work as effectively as possible, the transfer station is designed so that all components, such as heat exchangers, pumps, strainers, calorimeters and sensors,  are housed in a very compact space.

Pumps, pipes and valves in the transfer station of the Radolfzell large thermal solar system

The transfer station of the large thermal solar system

The solution: Perfectly optimised pumps and valves

Austrian solar specialist S.O.L.I.D. was responsible for planning and constructing the system. The experienced company impressed with its high-quality technology and economic efficiency, winning the tender in which four other competitors participated. The transfer station was planned and constructed by Kempten-based company RS Wärme. RS Wärme supplies special distributors for heat generation and refrigeration applications. After weighing up the price/performance ratio, RS Wärme opted for pumps from KSB. As usual, KSB was able offer a high level of availability for services and spare parts.

Working in cooperation, the companies took charge of the planning for the transfer station. KSB was primarily responsible for ensuring that the right pumps were selected for the requirements. Using a 3D CAD system, the needs of Stadtwerke Radolfzell were translated step by step into a practical solution.

When it came to selecting the recirculation pumps in the transfer station, the Etaline type series from KSB was the obvious choice. Both its long service life and size were the ideal fit for the developed concept. Etaline has the dimensions of a large canned motor pump and is equipped with a mechanical seal as well as a low-wear squirrel-cage motor, ensuring the long service life required. Furthermore, every pump is fitted with an impeller that is trimmed exactly to the optimum operating point. This ensures that that no energy is wasted hydraulically.

Etaline pumps, BOA-X butterfly valves and SERIE 2000 dual-plate check valves

Etaline pumps, BOA-X butterfly valves and SERIE 2000 dual-plate check valves in operation

The Etaline’s hydraulic system is based on the Etanorm type series, the world’s best-selling standardised water pump, which is always the first choice when it comes to combining the advantages of in-line design with ease of service. In addition to recirculation pumps from the Etaline type series, SERIE 2000 dual-plate check valves and BOAX butterfly valves are used in the transfer station. These valves are complemented by the BOA-S strainer.

Integrated into the module are two recirculation pumps on the primary circuit and two recirculation pumps on the secondary circuit. Each pump alone is capable of handling the volume flow of around 31 m³/h. However, to keep the level of wear as low as possible, the pumps are operated in alternation. Thanks to its dual-plate design, the SERIE 2000 dual-plate check valve offers excellent hydraulic properties, and the easy-to-operate plates open stably even with the lowest of approach flow velocities. It was possible to install the valves directly in the piping hence providing a highly space-saving solution. Another advantage was their single-piece cast body design which offers a high degree of mechanical strength and corrosion resistance, making it very robust and maintenance-free.
No special tools were required for installation.

When it came to selecting the shut-off valves upstream and downstream of the pump, the decision was narrowed down to the centred-disc, soft-seated BOAX butterfly valve. The advantage here was the hydraulically optimised valve disc and its very low level of flow resistance. This positively impacts the transfer station’s own energy efficiency.
The valves are complemented by BOA-S strainers, whose screens can be easily replaced and cleaned. 

This carefully selected combination resulted in a reliable system for generating energy from renewable energy sources.

Movitec pump, BOA-S strainer, pipes and valves

Movitec pump and BOA-S strainer in operation

Figures I Data I Facts

System: Large thermal solar system
End customer: Stadtwerke Radolfzell

Project data: 

4x Etaline
1x Movitec
BOAX butterfly valves
BOA-S strainers
SERIE 2000 dual-plate check valves

Products used



管道式单级蜗壳泵,带能效等级为 IE4/IE5 的无磁体 KSB SuPremE 电机和 PumpDrive 转速调节系统,泵与电机轴刚性连接。带能效等级为 IE4/IE5(依据 IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016 标准)的无磁体同步磁阻电机 KSB SuPremE(例外:尺寸为 0.55 kW/0.75 kW、转速为 1500 rpm 的电机带有永磁体),配合无转子位置编码器的 KSB PumpDrive 2 或 KSB PumpDrive 2 Eco 转速调节系统运行。固定点符合 EN 50347 标准,外壳尺寸符合 DIN V 42673 (07-2011) 标准。可选购 ATEX 型式。



立式多级高压离心泵,节段式设计,相对布置的吸入和排出管口具有相同的公称直径(管道式设计),直联式。带能效等级为 IE4/IE5(依据 IEC TS 60034-30-2:2016 标准)的无磁体同步磁阻电机 KSB SuPremE(例外:尺寸为 0.55 kW/0.75 kW、转速为 1500 rpm 的泵带有永磁体),配合无转子位置编码器的 KSB PumpDrive 2 或 KSB PumpDrive 2 Eco 转速调节系统运行。固定点符合 EN 50347 标准,外壳尺寸符合 DIN V 42673 (07-2011) 标准。可选购 ATEX 型式。



中央截止阀,带符合 ISO 5211 标准的方形轴端,通过弹性衬垫(EPDM XC/XU 或丁腈 K)密封,带手柄,手动减速变速箱,气动或电动执行器,带定心凹槽的壳体 (T2),带螺纹法兰凹槽的壳体 (T4)。壳体类型 T2 和 T4 允许单侧拆卸法兰和作为尾阀安装。球墨铸铁或不锈钢阀瓣。接口符合 EN。

SERIE 2000

SERIE 2000

双翼止回阀,夹入式设计,片状石墨铸铁、球墨铸铁、钢、不锈钢制一体式壳体,金属/弹性体密封或金属/金属密封,免维护,接口符合 EN、ASME 或 JIS 标准。