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The Mambu Branco System: Buildings in green nature.

The Mambu Branco System

Strong KSB support for the expansion of the integrated water supply network on the south coast of the state of São Paulo.

The project: Better water supply for São Paulo

The Mambu Branco system is part of the integrated water supply system of Itanhaém, near Santos, a city located on the south coast of São Paulo state. This system was extended to overcome water shortages and ensure a reliable water supply to this region in the future.

The client: Sabesp

Sabesp is a Brazilian water and sanitation company owned by São Paulo state, and is the sixth largest water and wastewater company in the world.

With water production of 105,000 l/s, Sabesp provides water and sewage services in residential, commercial and industrial applications to 60% of the population of São Paulo state (28 million people). 

Sabesp provides basic sanitation services, including all drinking water phases (extraction, treatment, processing, distribution) and the collection, treatment and reuse of sewage.

The challenge: Upgrading the existing system

In order to meet the increased drinking water demand, it was necessary to upgrade the existing system at the River Mambu and build a completely new supply system from the River Branco as the intake capacity of the River Mambu was not sufficient to meet the requirements. 

The extension included a dam, raw and drinking water pumping stations as well as a treatment plant (using dissolved air).

The solution: Water for 1,2 Million people which for decades had suffered from shortages in water supply

Dependability, reliable operation and maintenance-friendly design were decisive arguments to place the order with KSB. KSB Brazil supplied horizontal, axially split RDLO and RDLP pumps, submersible Amacan and Hydrobloc Drainer pumps and horizontal overhung Meganorm and Megaflow pumps for the project. Each pump type meets the needs of a wide range of applications in large systems such as the Mambu Branco system.

At the end of 2013, Sabesp was able to put the expanded Mambu Branco System at the service of the local population. The improved water supply system which comprises 66 km of water pipes benefited 1.2 million people in five nearby cities, 
which for decades had suffered from shortages in water supply. Increases in the population during the summer season will no longer compromise the reliability of the water supply. 

KSB Pumps located at the south coast of the São Paulo state

KSB supplied horizontal, axially split RDLO and RDLP pumps, submersible Amacan and Hydrobloc Drainer pumps, horizontal overhung Meganorm and Megaflow pumps. 

Data I Facts I Figures

  • Location: Itanhaém (São Paulo)
  • Client:
    Sabesp (Companhia de Saneamento Básico do Estado de São Paulo)
    Founded: 1973
    Employees: 15, 000
    Industry: Water supply
  • Application: Water supply
  • Project: 
    Amacan, RDLO, RDLP, Meganorm, Megaflow, Hydrobloc

    • Horizontal axially split RDLO and RDLP pumps
    • Submersible Amacan and Hydrobloc Drainer pumps
    • Horizontal overhung Meganorm and Megaflow pumps
      Each type of pump is suitable for many different applications in the Mambu-Branco system.

KSB type series used in this project

KSB – eden vodilnih proizvajalcev industrijskih armatur in črpalk na svetu

Podjetje KSB je bilo leta 1871 ustanovljeno v Frankenthalu (Nemčija) in že več kot 100 let spada med vodilne proizvajalce črpalk in industrijskih armatur. Z več kot 15.500 zaposlenimi po vsem svetu in lastnimi prodajnimi podjetji, proizvodnimi delavnicami ter servisnimi obrati podjetje KSB razvija in izdeluje po meri prilagojene črpalke za najrazličnejše uporabe.

Paleta izdelkov izkušenega proizvajalca črpalk se uporablja na področjih stavbne in industrijske tehnike, transporta vode in čiščenja odpadnih voda ter v tehničnih postopkih elektrarn. Zahvaljujoč inovativnim raziskavam in razvoju lahko podjetje KSB izpolnjuje najrazličnejše zahteve strank. Kot priznani proizvajalec črpalk podjetje KSB poseduje dolgoletne izkušnje in tehnično znanje.

Proizvajalec črpalk KSB: najboljša rešitev za vašo napravo
Industrijske črpalke in industrijske armature podjetja KSB so primerne za širok spekter uporabe in so izjemno energetsko učinkovite. Izdelki prepričajo z najbolj inovativno tehniko in se že vrsto let uspešno uporabljajo v napravah – med drugim tudi standardna vodna črpalka Etanorm. Z več kot 1,5 milijona prodanimi agregati spada Etanorm med najuspešnejše standardne vodne črpalke na svetu. Nadomestni deli in servisne storitve podjetja KSB skrbijo za delovno varnost industrijskih črpalk in industrijskih armatur KSB. Hidravlika, tehnika materiala in avtomatizacija so tehnološke prednosti proizvajalca črpalk KSB in ravno v tem se skriva recept za uspeh njihovih visokozmogljivih črpalk.

Strokoven servis od samega začetka
Zahvaljujoč proizvodnim delavnicam lahko proizvajalec črpalk KSB zagotovi prvovrsten servis, prilagojen stranki. Certificirani strokovnjaki z obsežnimi izkušnjami skrbijo za izjemno kakovost. Servisna služba podjetja KSB prevzame zagon, pregled, vzdrževanje in servisiranje vaših črpalk, armatur in celotne naprave neposredno na vaši lokaciji. Podjetje KSB poskrbi tudi za hitro dostavo nadomestnih delov. Na ta način prejmete najboljši servis neposredno od vašega proizvajalca črpalk.