KSB Guard: The smart monitoring service for your pumps
Achieve: Comprehensive transparency, increased availability and operating reliability as well as efficient operation
Your all-in service package: Equip your pumps with the KSB Guard monitoring solution and we'll take care of the rest.
Your path to a green future: You get your hands on a climate-friendly product and optimise your carbon footprint.
Saving money can be this inexpensive.
Act now! The benefits of the smart monitoring service with KSB Guard could not be any greater: You gain transparency about the status of your equipment, prevent impending damage and uncover potential for saving energy as well as reducing CO₂ from fixed-speed pumps.
Our KSB Guard monitoring service is available as a prepaid package (without contract commitment).
Minimum investment, maximum benefit.
Smart monitoring service: Figures, data and facts
Your new back office: The KSB Guard Monitoring Center
Increased vibrations and elevated temperatures are often the first warning signs of impending problems. Ongoing recording of pump data is therefore the starting point for the smart monitoring service with KSB Guard:
Experienced, certified experts from the KSB Guard Monitoring Center keep an eye on the data generated by your pumps. Should any conspicuous measured values be detected, the specialists search for the root cause. Detailed analyses allow them to draw conclusions regarding the causes of anomalies.
Be it bearings, (shaft) alignment or the hydraulic system ─ once the cause has been identified, the monitoring experts clarify the measures to be taken with you and organise their implementation on request. The monitoring service with KSB Guard thereby ensures damage control in two ways as problems are fixed before cost-intensive malfunctions occur.
In short: The smart monitoring service from KSB allows you to expand your service team with proven KSB specialists. Experts from different disciplines are always there for you ─ in the KSB Guard Monitoring Center, KSB One. automation support and service.
Your benefits at a glance
The most important thing about a pump station is its reliable, trouble-free and economical operation. The KSB Guard monitoring service offers you an entire range of benefits in this respect:
- Transparency of your machine data ─ via the well laid out dashboard
- More operating reliability for your system
- Increased availability of your pumps and other rotating equipment
- More efficient operation – for more sustainability and fewer CO2 emissions
- Optimised maintenance management – as a starting point for predictive maintenance
IT security and integration: The most important information in brief
Success stories: How other companies benefit from KSB Guard.
Efficient pump operation and increased availability ─ no problem with the help of KSB's digital service.
The most important thing with a pump system is to ensure reliable, sustained trouble-free and efficient operation without unscheduled downtime. How can this be achieved? Many impending damage scenarios that can lead to unscheduled downtime can already be detected before a breakdown occurs. The artificial intelligence (AI) integrated in the KSB Guard software can detect anomalies during pump operation ─ and notifies the experts at the KSB Guard Monitoring Center as and when necessary. The specialists then search for the cause and coordinate the next steps with you if any action is required. By leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), together with the professionals from the KSB Guard Monitoring Center, you can make your pump operation even more efficient while increasing availability. Place your trust in KSB's digital service now.