The most stringent of tests for the highest quality
In our foundries we continuously invest in quality-enhancing measures. We are passionate about optimising our production processes and quality management. Selecting and training our personnel is equally as important to us as this is the only way to deliver a high quality output also in the long term.
In the melting process we check every material thoroughly. No matter whether it is GG-25, austenitic, duplex or triplex steel – we monitor and optimise the chemical composition of every batch with computer assistance right from the melting process. We also offer certificates for every batch for mechanical tests such as the intergranular corrosion/Huey test and structural examination.
For quality assurance we use destructive as well as non-destructive tests. After the pouring process, we conduct the main analysis using material samples. The components are checked by non-destructive material tests: Dye penetrant, radiographic and ultrasonic testing ensure that the cast components are free from cracks and shrinkage cavities.
In addition, we use optical and other technical devices for 3D measurement. All tests are conducted directly at our Pegnitz site with our own equipment.