
Configure the right KSB pump or valve according to your specifications

The KSB website and online shop are the right tools to get information on KSB products, services or find and order the right pump, valve or spare part. In case your project requires a specific configuration of a KSB product, you can now directly access our expert configuration tools through the KSB website. Benefit from the full integration of MyKSB as your online platform for all business transactions with KSB.

Configuration integrated in MyKSB and the KSB website

Your login to MyKSB allows you to directly jump into our configurators and start defining the right product for your needs. If you do not have access to MyKSB yet, register now to benefit from all the useful functions available to you.

Your ways to configure products on the KSB website

Enter configuration from the product catalogue

Choose your desired product in the product catalogue and click configure on the product detail page.


Choose "configure product" in the quick navigation

Access our configuration tools from the quick navigation from any page on our website

quick nav

Enter your Configuration ID in the MyKSB menu after logging in

As soon as you are logged in, you can directly enter a Configuration ID in the MyKSB menu on the top right.


Edit or duplicate your configuration in the shopping cart

After adding a configured product to cart from a configuration tool or one of your watch lists, you can directly edit or duplicate the configuration from within the cart.


Edit or duplicate your saved configurations in a watch list

Similar to the procedure within the shopping cart, you can edit or duplicate configurations within your watch lists.

As soon as you are done configuring your product, you can simply add it to cart from within the configurator to transfer it to the online shop. From here you can work in MyKSB as usual and save your products on a watchlist or directly order them online. More information on MyKSB can be found here or in our "getting started" guide.


Your contact for any questions regarding configuration in MyKSB

If you do not have a MyKSB account yet, you can register here. If you have an account but not the necessary rights to use our expert configuration tool, please contact your local shopmaster. Likewise, if you are looking for trainings on configuration tools or have any questions regarding MyKSB your local shopmaster is looking forward to your message.
