
Hito en América - Exitosa prueba de bombas KNCPP.

Prueba exitosa de las bombas KNCPP, las cuales son aptas para trabajar con pulpa con consistencia de hasta 8%, además de contar con equivalencia de bombas KNCPP versus bombas de la competencia.

Bomba KNCPP - Prueba exitosa en instalaciones de cliente


Cliente Paimasa S.A., acude a KSB debido a que contamos con stock disponible de bombas para pulpa papel y por el constante soporte entregado en cada uno de sus requerimiento previos.

Lugar de Instalación: PAIMASA S.A. MP1 (Región Metropolitana).

¿Cómo resolvió KSB su problema?

  • KSB presentó las bombas KNCPP, las cuales son aptas para trabajar con pulpa con consistencia de hasta 8% en el líquido a bombear.
  • Disponibilidad de entrega inmediata de bombas KNCPP.
  • KSB Chile entrega bombas a cliente para realizar prueba por 3 meses, además de brindar apoyo constante y seguimiento mes a mes de prueba a la bomba instalada.


Todo comenzó en abril 2024, cuando KSB visita planta de cliente, realizando levantamiento de la base instalada por cada una de las bombas de la competencia, recopilando información sobre puntos de operación, tamaño, materialidad, tipo de sellado y lo más importante la consistencia de la pulpa. 

Luego verificamos la disponibilidad de los equipos en stock, después de varios meses de trabajo y seguimiento se indica a cliente que disponibilidad de un equipo KNCPP que aportaría las siguientes mejoras: 

  • Posible operación con 1 equipo de 2 posiciones actuales.
  • Consistencia de pulpa de 3 a 4% de operación es posible impulsar debido a que bombas KNCPP aceptan hasta 8%.
  • Materialidad de bomba de stock acero inoxidable con tipo de sellado empaquetadura todo lo que requería cliente.
  • Ahorro de energía debido al uso de una bomba con mayor eficiencia.

Finalmente la prueba se llevo a cabo en mes de septiembre 2024 por un periodo de 3 meses, durante los cuales nuestra bomba KNCPP cumplió satisfactoriamente en su operación. 

Una vez finalizado periodo de prueba, el proceso fue cerrado con éxito con el envió de OC por parte de cliente, marcando un hito al ser la primera prueba realizada con éxito en América.

Claves para el éxito:

KSB presenta a cliente las ventajas de nuestras bombas en lo relacionado a aspectos técnicos y disponibilidad de stock para poder realizar prueba del producto KNCPP, para reemplazar línea de bombas de la competencia.

KSB Guard Chile

KSB Guard Chile

KSB Guard fue instalado en bombas KSB pertenecientes a la empresa sanitaria más grande Chile, con concesión que abarca gran parte de la región metropolitana atendiendo a 2 millones de hogares, lo que representa una población estimada de 8 millones de habitantes. Compañía que cuenta con 1.800 profesionales para atender las necesidades de todos sus clientes.

Ahorro de Energía en el Sur de Chile

Ahorro de Energía en el Sur de Chile

En su planta de producción en Talcahuano, CAP Acero es la principal industria del acero en Chile. A la fecha, el circuito de alimentación de agua al sistema de lavado de gases primario y secundario de los altos hornos es impulsado por dos bombas de velocidad fija con potencias de motor de 90 kW y 160 kW respectivamente. Juntos representan un factor de costo sustancial en términos de consumo de energía.

Proyecto MAPA

Proyecto MAPA

Proyecto MAPA (Acrónimo de Modernización Ampliación Planta Arauco) se trata del más amplio programa de inversiones en la historia de Celulosa Arauco y Constitución. Comprende la detención de la antigua línea 1 de producción, la modernización de la actual línea 2 y la instalación de una nueva línea 3 (Esta sería la mas grande de Latino América) con tecnología de punta.

More potable water for Montreal

More potable water for Montreal

The Canadian city of Montreal extracts water from the St Lawrence River for two large potable water treatment plants. To satisfy population growth, the city’s water department needed a new large pump for the larger of the two plants. This had to be of the same specifications as the existing KSB pumps – and run efficiently and smoothly.

How KSB ensured water supply in New York

Clean water for the Big Apple: How KSB ensured water supply in New York

New York’s most important drinking water tunnel had to be emptied for repairs - quickly and reliably! KSB supplied five of the most powerful submersible motor pump sets ever produced by KSB.

The Airport Road Pumping Station in the region of Peel, Ontario.

Water transport in Ontario: KSB’s high-efficiency pumps respond to an increase in demand.

In 2004 the Regional Municipality of Peel began expanding its waterworks, one of Canada's largest water and wastewater infrastructures. From 2010, Peel entrusted this demanding project to KSB.

Drinking water pump station equipped with KSB pumps in Ravenswood, Australia

Superior technology for down under: The Ravenswood drinking water pump station, Australia

The Ravenswood Pump Station near Perth in Western Australia is part of the Southern Seawater Desalination Plant. It has the capacity to transfer several million litres of drinking water from the plant and the surrounding reservoirs to Perth’s water supply system.

The Mambu Branco System: Buildings in green nature.

The Mambu Branco System

Strong KSB support for the expansion of the integrated water supply network on the south coast of the state of São Paulo.

Mont St Michel; UNESCO; wastewater; effluent; pumping station; dry pit lifting station; Amarex KRT; frequency inverters;

Mont St Michel gets new wastewater pumping station in environmental restoration programme

Mont St Michel, Normandy is the second most important tourist attraction in France. Due to environmental reasons the infrastructure for removing effluent and wastewater from the abbey had to be upgraded.

WaterPlan 2050; Mardi Dam; Off-river storage; High lift station; RDLO pumps; water transfer station; valves; pipework

Mardi Dam upgrade programme boosts water supply for New South Wales’ Central Coast district

In order to secure the water supply and protect the health of rivers, creeks and the environment Gosford City and Wyong Shire Councils have implemented a long term strategy known as WaterPlan 2050. This strategy is being realised through increasing the dam capacity of existing dams and extending the pipeline infrastructure to provide more effective water transportation.


KSB equips the largest waste water treatment plant in Asia with waste water pumps

The Bailonggang waste water treatment plant in Shanghai is the largest waste water treatment plant in Asia and one of the biggest in the world. It disposes of the waste water produced by around 3.6 million people.

The Amacan P is a safe, reliable and energy-efficient solution for a wide range of pumping jobs

DC Water project: Pumps for an ENRF system

DC Water’s $3.8 billion, 10-year capital investment program involved the construction of an ENRF system. KSB submersible motor pumps are central to the facility’s operation.

Effluent treatment; water distribution; wastewater treatment; gravity pipeline; irrigation; saline intrusion; speed control;

Portuguese Algarve water supply gets a major upgrade

In recent years, the region has invested heavily in water supply systems. A major achievement: the construction of a water supply pipeline and a wastewater gravity pipeline.

An opened ONI-AquaClean filter flushing station with piping and KSB pump

Sustainable cleaning of cooling circuits

Water quality in cooling circuits has a decisive influence on energy efficiency and the reliability of systems and processes. However, practical experience shows that a relatively large number of companies have to deal with high operating and maintenance costs due to poor cooling water quality, and in individual cases even experience the failure of production plants and system circuits.

The company premises of Continental AG in Hanover from the outside

KSB Guard for the cooling water system of ContiTech AG

In times of increasingly professionalised cyber attacks, the importance of secure network components is growing exponentially. This is one reason why internet-enabled products are thoroughly scrutinised by customers before they are used. KSB’s cloud-based KSB Guard was examined by the rubber and plastics specialist ContiTech, and passed the validation with flying colours. This achievement almost overshadowed the fact that the main contract involved the refurbishment and modernisation of an entire cooling water system.

Water running out of a pipe

Clean water for 1.3 million people: KSB pumps deliver drinking water to Java

The water supply infrastructure in East Java, Indonesia, was reaching its limits. The way forward: piping in water from a spring almost 100 km away – using KSB pumps and valves to distribute the precious natural resource safely and efficiently to the region's residents. Read more about the project background and challenges

Estación de bombeo de La Caldera con su sistema de alcantarillado combinado

Giant pumps from KSB protect Mexico City against flooding

Mexico City is regularly threatened by flooding and stormwater.

The La Caldera pumping station is helping the 20 million inhabitants of the metropolis to fight flooding. KSB submersible motor pumps are doing valuable work there to drain and pump away stormwater and waste water.

Filter vessels, pipes and valves in the technical installation building of the central “Krug von Nidda” waterworks

Smart monitoring tool secures drinking water supply

Most of us in Germany rarely worry about access to a constant supply of food-grade drinking water. However, in the background water supply utilities are making enormous efforts to ensure that this everyday resource is always reliably on tap. This can involve planning redundancies into otherwise smoothly running systems.

Fachada del complejo del Quartier Q 6 Q 7 de Mannheim vista desde la calle

Una arteria vital en el barrio del futuro

Equipar proyectos arquitectónicos emblemáticos es un honor y un reto para todas las empresas participantes. Aun cuando, como KSB, se hayan logrado anteriormente importantes hitos en innumerables proyectos de infraestructura internacionales, estos no suelen estar a la vista del público general. Sin embargo, en el caso del Quartier Q 6 Q 7 de Mannheim, no había duda de que todo el mundo tendría la mirada puesta en si todos los sistemas funcionaban fiablemente en el nuevo complejo multifuncional de la ciudad.

The Spitzmühle waterworks building from outside

Turning on the taps for a booming region

Water is an essential element of our everyday lives. Ensuring an uninterrupted supply of clean drinking water in compliance with increasingly demanding legal requirements is a challenge for water supply utilities, especially in hot summers with little rain. This situation is exacerbated by increasing demand for water in agriculture. Only with experienced project partners at their side can water companies make precious water continuously available in the required quantity and quality.

Condition of the pumping station before work started (left) and the completed system (right)

Equipped for the future: Refurbishing a waste water pumping station

Refurbishing an existing system often requires more know-how than setting up a new installation. The equipment being repaired may no longer be cutting edge, but it still serves its purpose for the operator. Comprehensive documentation may be missing and spare parts hard to come by. KSB SupremeServ specialises in these complex challenges and successfully applies a tailored catalogue of measures.

The Nestlé Cailler chocolate factory

KSB pumps ensure sweet enjoyment

Our customer Nestlé Cailler stands for high-quality chocolate enjoyment. The company achieves this with an unmistakable recipe and optimised production processes – which is where the Swiss place their trust in KSB and our Vitalobe pumps. Vitalobe pumps masterfully handle the high requirements placed on the hygienic production of chocolate. Their strength also lies in being able to flexibly adapt to highly complex production processes.

View into water drainage basin, bubbling rainwater

Armed for the flood of the century

Having agreed that Landshut must never again experience a catastrophic flood as it did in 2013, the city’s authorities launched a construction project in 2018 with the goal of protecting the Lower Bavarian city from flooding for generations to come. Particularly with regard to climate change and the resulting increase in heavy rainfall events, being adequately prepared for extreme weather in the future was a matter of urgency.

Reservoir and dam of the Dreilägerbachtalsperre near Roetgen

A large vortex around the smallest particles

The Dreilägerbachtalsperre reservoir on the German-Belgian border near Roetgen has been supplying water to the district of Aachen since 1911, and takes advantage of water resources in the mountains of the nearby Eifel. From 2004, the connected drinking water treatment plant has routed raw water from the reservoir to a membrane filtration system. The ultrafiltration membranes have such small pores that they allow pure water to flow through, but retain all other substances in the water such as bacteria, viruses and proteins.

The company premises of the web-fed offset printing plant WKS Kraft Schlötes from outside.

Welcome cooling for high-volume printing

In order to achieve sustainable improvements in its environmental performance, the web-fed offset printing company WKS Kraft Schlötes implements ISO 50001-compliant energy management. This involves continuously checking all processes for energy efficiency. These checks revealed that the water cooling system of the commercial printing press for brochure printing is an energy-intensive process. KSB won the contract to provide new pumps capable of achieving competitive energy and cost savings.

Ludwig Weinrich chocolate factory premises from outside

Keeping cool in the face of sweet temptation

For many people, chocolate is more than just one of life’s sweetest temptations. The complex machinery required for the industrial production of this luxury food item also presents engineers with major challenges. In an ever-tightening market, traditional companies in particular, such as the Ludwig Weinrich chocolate factory, need to rise to current economic and ecological challenges. To do this, they need reliable partners.


Oued Athmania: A water supply project for Algeria

As Algeria is a predominantly arid country, water is a precious commodity and the transportation of water to two reservoirs which lack water means a blessing for the local population.

KSB submersible motor pumps support cranberry cultivation

KSB supports cranberry farmers in Canada

Cranberries are one of the world’s “super fruits” and are mainly grown in the USA and Canada. Canada’s largest growing area is in the City of Richmond on Lulu Island in British Columbia where a series of KSB pumps carry out essential tasks involving both harvesting and flood alleviation.

Surfing a big wave

For the perfect wave

15 propeller pumps with submersible motors from KSB find use in the novel surfing facility of a Milan water park. The operators of Idroscalo were able to open the new attraction right on time for the beginning of the main season. But KSB’s engineers had to put in a lot of work in advance to ensure that everything ran so smoothly and the numerous visitors could enjoy their exciting surfing experience.

Zona del polígono industrial Kalle-Albert de noche

KSB Guard salva a un polígono industrial de una interrupción del suministro de aire comprimido

KSB se asegura de que en el polígono industrial Kalle-Albert de Wiesbaden (Alemania) nunca se queden sin aire, concretamente, sin aire comprimido.

Para ello, nuestro cliente InfraServ y su filial ISW confían en la profesionalidad de KSB: bombas Etanorm equipadas con la unidad de vigilancia KSB Guard. Así, el vital sistema de aire comprimido funciona de forma fiable y la temperatura de servicio se enfría continuamente. Además, KSB Guard ya está amortizada con excelentes resultados: pudo detectarse a tiempo un desperfecto inminente en los cojinetes y evitar pérdidas mayores.

System incorporating piping, pumps and valves

More transparency – with KSB Guard

Even high-quality pumps can sometimes experience malfunctions whose exact cause can only be determined by a long-term diagnosis. External factors are often to blame, and these can only be identified if the affected pump is monitored over a longer period of time using suitable sensor technology. KSB Guard has been developed to determine a problem’s cause so that remedial action can be taken.

Emscher waste water sewer, Emscher canal

High pump efficiency – Europe’s largest wastewater treatment project

The 51 km long Emscher sewer is considered to be the largest wastewater project in Europe and serves the sustainable restoration of the River Emscher in the Ruhr area of Germany. Today, 21 specially designed KSB pumps in two wastewater pump stations ensure that incoming wastewater from the eastern Emscher Valley is pumped from a depth of around 40 m to 8 m below ground level to provide sufficient slope for the wastewater to flow off again down the underground tunnel.

KSB's MegaCPK volute casing pump for handling aggressive liquids

Provides energy for an entire city: The Thassalia marine thermal energy project

The Thassalia seawater plant supplies sustainable energy for buildings with a 500,000 m² surface area. Find out why high-performance pumps from KSB make a major contribution to the project's success.

KSB Etanorm SYT heat transfer fluid pump

Hot technology for hot boards: Innovative KSB technology for handling thermal oils

Producing particleboard requires high temperatures – KSB and its high-performance heat transfer fluid pumps make sure the thermal oil used is transported smoothly.

Vista exterior: estación de bombeo de aguas residuales de San Petersburgo

En San Petersburgo, motobombas sumergibles de KSB elevan las aguas residuales desde una profundidad de 92 metros.

Un Mar Báltico más limpio: esta era la idea original que inspiró el proyecto de eliminación de aguas residuales de esta metrópolis de varios millones de habitantes. Hoy, 19 bombas Amarex KRT garantizan que hasta el 98 % de las aguas residuales de la ciudad sean tratadas en una depuradora antes de verterlas al Mar Báltico.

Palazzo Grassi

KSB makes history efficient!

An old building kitted out with modern technology: KSB pumps and valves for heating, air-conditioning, water and sanitation systems help to save 30 % of energy in the Palazzo Grassi.

Hand holding a mobile phone with a graph displayed on the screen. In the background is a KSB pump with installed KSB Guard.

Digital tool KSB Guard continuously monitors pumps

KSB Guard performs a crucial task at the world’s largest development and test centre for valve technology, the ROLF SANDVOSS INNOVATION CENTER (RSIC) operated by SAMSON: It continuously monitors the pumps, which were also supplied by KSB. The pumps need to operate smoothly under extreme loads and with irregular operating hours. KSB Guard provides important data and operating information, ensuring that unscheduled downtimes are avoided and pump maintenance can be planned efficiently.
