Nuclear power station

Nuclear Power Plants

Nuclear power plant operators worldwide place their trust in KSB pumps

Successful operation of a nuclear power station demands the highest standards of safety. For more than 40 years, KSB solutions have ensured safe and reliable processes in around 200 plants worldwide.

The greatest challenge for nuclear power plant operators: ensuring absolute safety

The key criterion for the nuclear energy sector is the fulfilment of the most stringent safety requirements. Pumps and valves must comply with international codes and standards and offer exceptional reliability to minimise downtime and repairs.

Minimising long-term operating costs is a further priority for power plant operators. This demands technology that works flawlessly at all times. And – especially important – a comprehensive range of services available around the clock.

Safety through competence – across the globe

Power plant operators are in safe hands with KSB, as our solutions comply with international codes and standards and meet the strictest quality assurance requirements. KSB products work absolutely reliably throughout the entire life cycle of a power plant – whether as cooling water pumps, reactor feed pumps or safety valves. This reduces downtime, minimises long-term life cycle costs, and improves performance.

Even in the event of decommissioning and beyond, operators are always on the safe side with KSB products. And they also benefit from comprehensive global service offerings available 24 hours a day.

All these services guarantee that power plants operate safely all over the world with KSB’s assistance – whether in Europe, Asia or America.

Performance you can rely on

KSB does not just manufacture pumps and valves. We also test them on site, examining aspects such as functional reliability, earthquake safety, noise emission and performance. Our facilities include a test bed for large pumps with 20 MW motors.

In addition, KSB products are tested at the factory on various test fields – including a specific test for reactor coolant pumps. And because the KSB plant in Frankenthal is ASME-certified and an ‘N Stamp Holder’, all ASME orders can be handled completely in-house.   

Materials can increase operational safety in nuclear power plants, and KSB uses the most advanced materials in its pumps and valves for this sector. These are also continuously tested and further developed with the aid of cutting-edge methods.

KSB test field

We can test boiler feed pumps at pressures of up to 500 bar and temperatures of up to 230 °C using our production-integrated test facility’s 20-megawatt motor.

Our portfolio

KSB offers a wide range of products for nuclear power plants’ primary and secondary circuits, as well as for auxiliary systems

  • Reactor coolant pumps with shaft seals, Class 1
  • Seal-less reactor coolant pumps, Class 1
  • Nuclear auxiliary pumps, Class 1-3 
  • Boiler feed pumps, cooling water pumps and condensate pumps
  • Recirculation pumps, process and seal-less pumps
  • Pumps for highest-temperature applications (Gen. IV)
  • Pumps handling salt, lead and sodium (Gen. IV)
  • Safety valves, butterfly valves, gate valves

Applications include

  • Cooling circuits, safety systems, cleaning systems, chemical control systems

Your benefits

  • Absolutely reliable operation of your plant at all times with the greatest possible system availability
  • Reliable products that comply with international codes and standards
  • Reduction of life cycle costs with maximum performance
  • Decades of engineering experience in the nuclear power sector
  • Ground-breaking products thanks to high-quality materials
  • Retrofitting of pumps and valves – including products from other manufacturers
  • Reverse engineering for all nuclear applications
  • Around-the-clock service from more than 170 service centres worldwide

Find suitable pumps for use in nuclear power plants 

Whether primary or secondary circuit: KSB offers the right products for all applications in nuclear plants.



Vertical single-stage reactor coolant pump with cast or forged casing, shaft supported by motor bearing.



Vertical single-stage reactor coolant pump. Seal-less design with integrated wet rotor motor and integrated flywheel. Product-lubricated bearings, no oil supply systems required.

Find suitable valves for use in nuclear power plants

NUCA 320/-A 320/-ES type I, II, IV

NUCA 320/-A 320/-ES type I, II, IV

Globe valve with butt weld or socket weld ends, for nuclear applications, with gland packing, replaceable seat (NUCA-ES), straight-way pattern, made of steel, stainless steel or nickel.



Swing check valve for nuclear applications, with butt weld ends, with bolted cover, internally mounted hinge pin, forged body made of steel or stainless steel.



Gate valve with butt weld ends, for nuclear applications, with bolted or pressure seal bonnet, forged or welded body, non-rotating stem, in split-wedge or parallel-disc design, made of steel or stainless steel.

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Certified quality

ASME Certificate N /NS /NPT

ASME Certificate N /NS /NPT


Illustration of the phases of a product life cycle: Consultation and analysis, commissioning, operation and repair

Service at KSB SupremeServ means being fully looked after

KSB SupremeServ offers you a comprehensive range of services and spare parts for pumps, valves and other equipment – including for products from other manufacturers – from face-to-face consultation to installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair. More than 3500 specialists in over 190 service centres worldwide are available around the clock, seven days a week. Concentrate on your core business – and let us take care of the rest.

Maintenance inspection management

Maintenance inspection management

Inspecting and repairing pump sets while keeping downtimes short: KSB Service offers comprehensive maintenance inspection management for industrial facilities and power stations.

  • Pump inspection
  • Valve inspection
Spare parts inventory management

Spare parts inventory management

With its inventory management service, KSB provides recommendations for maintaining optimum spare parts stocks and preventing excess stocks or shortages of spare parts.

  • Reduced inventory costs
  • Improved availability