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Nepean Dam Deep Water Recovery Project: The Dam

Nepean Dam Deep Water Recovery Project

KSB supports the drinking water supply of the city of Sydney: At the lowest point of the Nepean dam, three efficient RDLO pumps from KSB extract raw water.

The project: Ensuring the supply of drinking water to Sydney

Australia relies on KSB to supply drinking water to the city of Sydney: Efficient KSB water transport pumps of the RDLO series (WPS77 pump station) extract raw water at the lowest point of the Nepean dam and transfer it to the filtration system. Here the water is treated and piped to Sydney.

The client: Baulderstone

The Nepean Dam Deep Water Recovery Project is operated by the NSW Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources. 

However, KSB was commissioned by the renowned construction company Baulderstone Hornibrook. Baulderstone Hornibrook provides construction and civil engineering services. The company constructs bridges, roads, tunnels, commercial buildings, schools, hospitals and hotels.

The challenge: extraction of raw water at the lowest point of the Nepean dam

The Nepean Dam is located some 100 km south-west of Sydney and has a storage capacity of 52,000 megalitres. The client needed a solution for the extraction of raw water at the lowest point of the Nepean dam and the subsequent transportation to the filtration plant.

The solution: Transporting fluids at maximum efficiency

Thanks to KSB’s many years of experience of manufacturing axially split volute casing pumps, the RDLO pumps were able to shake off numerous competitor products. Designed for durability, RDLO pumps transport fluids at maximum efficiency. This helps keep energy costs down and considerably reduce the pumping plant’s life cycle costs.

The design and modular structure of RDLO pumps allow their operating parameters to be optimally matched to the customer’s individual conditions. The pumps operate equally reliably at high and low water levels.

KSB already supported the project team in the preliminary phase of the project, from the design of the pumping station to the provision of calculations. Specialised KSB employees provided the customer with advice both on site and from the Competence Centre in Germany.

Pumping station with water transport pumps

Water transport pump of the series RDLO

Pumping station with water transport pumps

Water transport pump of the series RDLO

Data I Facts I Figures

  • Location: Nepean Dam, Australia
  • Client: Baulderstone

    Founded: 1936

    Employees: 1,329

    Industry: Engineering & Construction Services

  • Application: Water supply

  • Scope of supply: 
    3 RDLO 400-665
    Equipped with variable speed system
    Flow rate: 723 l/s,
    Head: 116 m

  • Project year: 2006

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