Understanding automation, increasing efficiency.

As well as supplying the right automation technology for the energy-efficient operation of your system, KSB also provides one-of-a-kind expertise in all aspects of automation for pumps and valves.

Service for automation products

Understanding automation, increasing efficiency.

As well as supplying the right automation technology for the energy-efficient operation of your system, KSB also provides one-of-a-kind expertise in all aspects of automation for pumps and valves.

Consulting, commissioning, parametrisation.

Do you want to get the best out of your system by introducing automation? Or have parameters in your automated system changed such that the control system has to be adapted? Maybe you have general questions about pump automation? Then KSB’s service for automation products will be pleased to help.

Whether you are installing a new system or retrofitting an existing one, you can benefit from a wide range of services offered by KSB’s service for automation products. These range from consulting and remote maintenance to replacing hardware components, programming control systems and connecting automation products to your process control system. KSB’s service for automation products is your competent partner for all questions relating to the automation of pumps and valves.

Our portfolio

  • Reading out device history
  • Reading out failure log
  • Determining current status
  • Adaptation of control equipment for system expansion/optimisation
  • Service for troubleshooting bus communication (Profibus, Profinet, Modbus, BacNet, etc.)
  • Leakage current measurement on bus line
  • Retrofitting of bus modules for extending functions
  • Adapting parametrisation
  • Replacing hardware components
  • Checking/maintenance of control cabinets
  • Checking/replacing measuring sensors
  • Checking earthing and potential equalisation scheme in place for pump sets and sensors
  • Initial assistance via telephone support in the case of a fault
  • Remote maintenance and inspection of systems
  • Commissioning/parametrisation of new systems/components
  • Connection of automation products to the customer’s process control system
  • Retrofit/upgrade of existing systems
  • MyFlow-Drive - Speed adjustment

Your benefits

  • Optimisation of automated processes
  • Identification of potential energy savings
  • Increased operating reliability
  • Increased system availability

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Pump repair

Pump Repair

KSB offers professional and fast service for pumps of any make and, if required, can modernise them to the latest technological standards. KSB also provides this service for explosion-proof pump sets.

  • For all makes
  • Pump set service
Valve repair

Valve repair

Bespoke, individual, comprehensive: KSB provides professional valve service for all makes – regardless of the design, size and manufacturer.

  • Repair
  • Modification
SES System Efficiency Service

SES System Efficiency Service

Pumps that are not optimally matched to the system consume too much energy. Thanks to SES System Efficiency Service from KSB, this doesn’t have to be the case.

  • Energy efficiency analysis
  • Damage analysis