KSB celebrated 150 years!

Founded in 1871 in Germany, in 2021 KSB celebrated its 150th anniversary as one of the oldest pump and valve manufacturers in the world!

KSB is a manufacturer of centrifugal pumps and valves, with headquarters in Germany and branches in more than 100 countries worldwide, including KSB, Bombas e Válvulas, SA, with headquarters in Sintra and a delegation in Porto.

KSB was founded in 1871 (by Messrs Klein, Shazlin and Becker, whose descendants still manage this family business), in 2021 it turned 150 years old, being the oldest pump and valve manufacturer in the world, which gives it an enormous accumulated experience, stability and longevity that leaves its customers carefree. In Portugal, KSB was founded in 1972, so in 2021 it turned 49 years old.

The KSB Group has an annual turnover of around 2.5 billion Euros and 15,000 employees – figures comparable to those of the 10 largest Portuguese companies – and KSB in Portugal has an annual turnover of around 6 million Euros and has 20 employees.

Despite not having any factory of its own in Portugal, the KSB Group buys around 4 million Euros a year from Portuguese companies, which are component manufacturers for its equipment, such as Duritcast (Águeda) and Arsopi (Vale de Cambra), which employ a total of around 500 employees.

One of KSB's main strengths, in Portugal and the world, in addition to the high quality of its employees and its products, is its Technical Assistance, because while its main competitors delegate technical assistance to resellers, KSB has always maintained its own technique, in which it makes regular and high investments, whether in the training of its employees or cutting-edge technology, in tools and machines.

Another strong feature of KSB is its focus on innovation, the latest example being the KSB Guard device, easy to install on any pump (through magnet or sticker), which collects, processes, provides data (vibrations and temperature), and alerts on the phone, on the state of the pumps, especially suitable for online work, essential during the Covid19 pandemic.
If you are interested in obtaining more information about KSB Portugal, please contacts us on +351 210 112 300 or via email: joao.leite@ksb.com