Installation and commissioning

KSB: Your reliable partner for pump installation and commissioning

Reliability right from the start: KSB service specialists are there to take care of your system with the installation of pumps, valves and automation components. Professional, reliable, on hand worldwide.

Installation and Commissioning

KSB: Your reliable partner for pump installation and commissioning

Reliability right from the start: KSB service specialists are there to take care of your system with the installation of pumps, valves and automation components. Professional, reliable, on hand worldwide.

Bespoke pump commissioning

The expert installation and commissioning of pumps, valves and automation products is the first step toward successful system operation. Ensuring an orderly start-up without delays can save you both trouble and costs.

KSB and its experienced service specialists are on hand to support you during pump commissioning, making sure that operation is reliable and efficient.

KSB supervisors manage the installation of single pump sets as well as large systems (for example, for seawater desalination) or pumping stations anywhere in the world.

KSB’s services include the entire setting-up process and cover everything you need for a smooth start from the word go – from pump and valve installation, commissioning and alignment to automation. KSB also offers test runs and instruction of your personnel. This service is available for both KSB and non-KSB products.

Two service engineers aligning a pump and motor

Aligning a pump and motor

Our portfolio

  • Inspection of the supplied pumps, valves, etc.
  • Verification of system requirements and conditions
  • Implementation or supervision of all installation steps
  • Leak tests
  • Correct alignment of the pump sets by means of the latest laser equipment
  • Checking of installed measuring equipment
  • Supervision of commissioning, test runs and trial operations including records of the operating data
  • Instruction of operating staff
  • Preservation measures taken in the event of delayed commissioning

Your benefits

  • A single point of contact throughout the entire installation phase
  • Optimisation of costs thanks to professional planning and implementation
  • Reduction in early failures
  • No waiting times and costs due to repairs
  • Reliability and safety, particularly during the start-up period, are ensured by experienced KSB system specialists with manufacturer know-how
  • Smooth start of your system for maximum productivity, right from the word go

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Inspection service

Inspection service

KSB’s inspection service provides regular pump inspection and pump maintenance to ensure the reliable operation and increased availability of your system.

  • Preventing failures
  • 24-hour on-call service