Environmental, Health and Safety
We care for our employees!
We believe that human capital is the heart of the success of our Company, especially in tough economic times. We clearly understand the health-and-work behavior equation.
In order to ensure maximum safety at the workplace, KSB India follows the EHS guidelines (Environmental Health and Safety) of KSB Group.
- Our Company conducts demonstration on Fire Safety and its management.
- Training on hazardous waste management
We conduct Safety Week every year at all our plants & sales offices. We start the week by taking Safety oath, Various programs of Health and safe are conducted by inviting Medical and Industry safety experts.
We consider Environment, Health & Safety (EHS) as a fundamental management concern. We are committed to improve in EHS and EHS performance.
- Apply realistic efforts to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, fire, explosions, pollution, and damage to equipment, property & environment.
- Conserve natural resources like water, energy, and raw materials.
- Wherever possible, eliminate / reduce the use of hazardous substances, or use safer alternatives.
- Set and review Environment & occupational Health & safety objectives and targets on points mentioned above periodically.
Publish safety & environmental performance in the annual report.