Fostering diverse culture
We put inclusion and diversity at the core of the way we work. We believe that talent and passion are beyond gender, race, color, religion, disability, sexual orientation, age or any gender identity.
We provide our people with growth and development opportunities to become capable inclusive leaders. Every individual has the responsibility to create and sustain an inclusive working environment for all.
We believe our workforce should represent a diversity of backgrounds, experiences and thought. A diverse and inclusive culture helps us to find the right talent and retention, innovation, reputation, customer relations and deliver superior performance.
Internally, we conduct employees programs that offer female-centric resources for career development, wide exposure and holistic advice. Accelerate policy initiatives and the RISE (Reach, Inspire, Support, Empower) mentorship program.
- The female strength in KSB India has risen to more than 6% recently.
- The Company has hired more than 90% of female Graduate Trainees in its recent batch.
- Our two female employees have been hired to work in our Vambori Foundry Division, a first in the history of KSB.
Our next goal is to employ female employees in the field of sales.
To have wider inclusion, the Company also intends and offers equal opportunities to the specially-abled male and female employees prospects for suitable opportunities.
Prevention of Sexual Harassment at workplace
Zero Tolerance towards Sexual Harassment & Discrimination at work place
KSB has no tolerance policy towards behaviors of harassment or discrimination based on age, disability, gender, marital status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity. We uphold this fact and keeping in line with company’s commitment to provide a safe and conducive work environment.
We have implemented the ‘The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013’, also The Internal Committee has been constituted to consider and address any complaints of Sexual Harassment.
Quarterly Internal Committee meetings are held to discuss any complaints received, we also make an effort to update newly introduced laws by Government or Corporate bodies and discuss various case studies to learn and implement required processes.
To create a positive awareness about the Prevention of Sexual Harassment Act (POSHA), the Company has been conducting various sessions of Do’s and Don’t on Sexual Harassment for its female and male employees on regular basis.