Large oil refinery complex with an orange flare at the centre set against a bright blue sky

Downstream Hydrocarbon Processing

KSB pumps keep complex downstream systems in motion, delivering high-value products for industry and everyday life.

As refineries transform crude oil into products that fuel our economy, heat homes and factories, and fertilise soil, they rely on heavy-duty KSB pumps to circulate challenging fluids.

Move hot hydrocarbon streams safely and efficiently

If you’re operating a downstream refinery, you know the challenges of keeping crude oil and its derivatives in motion. To ensure swift, efficient and safe processing, you need heavy-duty equipment that can stand up to the immense heat and heavy loads required to transform crude into multiple distillates. At the heart of these value-adding operations are various types of refinery pumps – such as oil transfer and process pumps – that move your viscous flows, even when the going gets hot, heavy and caustic.

KSB process pumps enable swift and reliable downstream operations

As an experienced partner to the oil and gas industry, we offer a wide range of refinery pumps to meet all your hydrocarbon processing needs. Like process pumps to charge your process units, manage multiple distillation side streams, feed secondary process units or ship your finished products and by-products. 

  • Find the model for your downstream needs: Our rugged RPH, RPHb/d and RPH-V process pumps or multi-stage CHTR barrel-type pumps, as well as our vertical WKTR/WKB pumps are engineered for the high-pressure, heavy-duty operations of the downstream oil and gas industry. 
  • Likewise, you can count on utility pumps from our KWP, Omega, RDLO and other series for applications such as producing steam and circulating hot oils throughout the labyrinth of close-fitting piping systems found in refineries.

Our extensive product portfolio supports all fluid-handling requirements while ensuring safe, reliable and efficient operation so you can meet your throughput quotas. 

Your benefits: Powerful pumps meet comprehensive service for downstream oil and gas

Safe, effective crude oil processing demands durable pumps capable of standing up to all types of extremes. Not only for the bottom line of your business, but because several essential sectors rely on the value-adding operations of refineries. Our innovative technologies keep your downstream operations moving, for maximum uptime and a lower total cost of ownership.

Got a special challenge you’d like to address? Talk to us about engineered-to-order aggregates and custom solutions for your refinery. Our experts in advanced hydraulics and materials are always ready to improve the design and the wear-and-tear characteristics of our pumps and assemblies. 

Once you choose a solution, we’ll also be there to install, inspect and repair it so you can be sure that your refinery is always operating at its best.

Our portfolio

KSB offers a broad portfolio for your downstream refining operations:

  • Engineered process pumps with broad flow and pressure ranges
  • Standardised chemical pumps with seal-less capability
  • Utility pumps for water-handling/management systems
  • Pumps for solids-laden fluids
  • Mechanical seals and seal flush plans
  • Engineered-to-order aggregates consisting of drives, accessories, instrumentation and controls

Applications include

  • Aggressive fluids containing gas and mixed-media with suspended solid particles
  • Highly volatile hydrocarbons and highly viscous fluids at high pressures and high temperatures
  • Hazardous, sour processes fluids laden with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide
  • Concentrated corrosive fluids in production stream
  • Toxic services requiring stringent and fail-safe emission control

Your benefits

  • Flexible and application-specific solutions thanks to a broad product portfolio
  • Reliable pumping and containment of the most demanding fluids – in compliance with the highest safety standards
  • Solutions for extreme conditions by employing wear and corrosion resistant materials of construction
  • Reduced total cost of ownership through innovative technology
  • Optimised hydraulics to ensure energy-efficient operation
  • Comprehensive service – from installation and commissioning to inspection, maintenance and on-site repair



Horizontal radially split volute casing pump in back pull-out design, to API 610, ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type OH2, single-stage, with single-suction radial impeller and centreline pump feet; with inducer if required. ATEX-compliant version available.



Heavy-duty horizontal radially split between-bearings volute casing pump to API 610, ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type BB2, with radial impellers, single- or double-entry, single- or two-stage design with centreline pump feet. ATEX-compliant version available.



Horizontal high-pressure barrel-type pump with radial impellers, single-entry and double-entry, multistage, with flanges or weld end nozzles to DIN, API 610 and ANSI.



Vertical single-stage sump pump to API 610 and ISO 13709 (heavy duty), type VS4, with integral thrust bearing assembly and separate discharge line. ATEX-compliant version available.



Vertically suspended, double-casing, lineshaft, diffuser-type pump with integral thrust bearings and discharge through column pipe in accordance with API 610 / ISO 13709 (VS6). Available in single-stage or multistage configurations and with single suction first-stage impeller.

Illustration of the phases of a product life cycle: Consultation and analysis, commissioning, operation and repair

Service at KSB SupremeServ means being fully looked after

KSB SupremeServ offers you a comprehensive range of services and spare parts for pumps, valves and other equipment – including for products from other manufacturers – from face-to-face consultation to installation, commissioning, maintenance and repair. More than 3500 specialists in over 190 service centres worldwide are available around the clock, seven days a week. Concentrate on your core business – and let us take care of the rest.

Energy efficiency consulting (Fluid Future) for pumps and valves

Energy Efficiency Consulting

Optimise your system’s energy efficiency in four steps using FluidFuture®. KSB’s systematic approach ensures maximum energy savings.

  • Systematic analysis
  • Clear recommendations for action
Inspection service

Inspection service

KSB’s inspection service provides regular pump inspection and pump maintenance to ensure the reliable operation and increased availability of your system.

  • Preventing failures
  • 24-hour on-call service