KSB flags in front of blue sky

KSB in Brazil

KSB has been represented in Brazil by KSB Brasil Ltda. since 1954. It has highly qualified employees who are committed to the objectives and goals of the KSB Group worldwide, offering expert advice, excellent quality and maximum safety.

About us

KSB Brasil is specialized in the sales and service for pumps and spare parts.
We offer every customer a tailored solution and are a reliable regional partner that can be contacted quickly and easily. Whatever the task, KSB attaches great importance to sustainability and environmental awareness. In addition, our strict quality standards are confirmed by the many quality certificates.

In addition to many years of experience with KSB products, we also provide services for other manufacturers' products and have a wide network of distributors.

KSB Headquarter in Várzea Paulista, outside view
Earth globe with KSB locations worldwide

Locations across Brazil

KSB develops and manufactures tailor-made solutions and offers expert advice, excellent quality with maximum safety on a regional and global scale.

In Brazil, KSB operates two manufacturing and assembly plants, one foundry, and seven sales and service branches. The KSB Brasil Ltda. Plants are located in Várzea Paulista and Jundiaí and the foundry in Americana, while our sales and service branches are strategically located in Bahia, Ceará, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pará, Pernambuco and São Paulo.

KSB Brazil Management

Jens Deltrap - President KSB South and Central America and President KSB Brasil Ltda.

Responsible management is a must for us. This philosophy is actively practiced by all our staff in their daily work.

Jens Deltrap
KSB letters on blue background

KSB Group

The KSB Group is one of the leading suppliers of quality pumps and valves and related services with an annual sales revenue of almost 2400 million euros, the company has a presence on all continents with its own sales and marketing organisations, manufacturing facilities and service operations. KSB employs more than 15,000 people.

The success of the company is founded on innovative technology that is the fruit of its own global research and development activities. As well as customers and employees, KSB also serves society at large. Examples of our CSR activities include environmental and educational projects. We are committed to the United Nations’ Global Compact. Its principles reinforce social, environmental and economic fairness worldwide.